Max Schmitt

July 17 2024

Toasts are Bad UX

The core problem is that toasts always show up far away from the user's attention.

Take a look at this example from YouTube:

The Problems with the YouTube Toast

In this particular example, the entire interaction is quite jarring:

  • I click the "Save" button on the right-hand side of the screen
  • A modal appears in the middle of the screen
  • The toast appears in the bottom left corner

And there are a few more problems in this particular example:

  • The toast is delayed without a loading indicator
  • If I check or uncheck a checkbox in the modal, I need to wait multiple seconds for the previous toast to disappear before I get the confirmation toast for the latest action
  • The "Undo" button in the toast is unnecessary because the user can just click the checkbox again

The Solution: No Toast

Here is a simple redesign of the "Save" interaction that solves all the problems above:

A simplified version of the YouTube toast interaction
  • The playlists are shown right beneath the button instead of in a modal
  • After checking/unchecking a checkbox, a loading indicator is shown
  • When the loading indicator disappears, it implies the action has completed
  • No toast necessary!

2 More Examples

1. Confirming that Something was Added/Removed

When archiving an email in Gmail, a toast appears showing confirmation. But by archiving the email, the email disappears from the list, which already implies the action was successful.

A toast in Gmail confirming that an email was archived


We do have to consider the undo-functionality and that the toast feedback can be useful when using keyboard shortcuts.

2. Confirming that Something was Copied

A toast is shown after something was copied to the clipboard. In this example, the button already includes a confirmation so the toast is entirely unnecessary.

A toast confirming that something was copied to the clipboard

It Could be Worse

What's worse than a toast? No feedback at all.

So if you don't have time to design or build a better feedback mechanism, a toast is better than nothing.